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Did you know that…

…Perkins has already pro­duced 22 mil­lion engines since 1932?

By 31. August 2023 No Comments

That is twice as many engines as there are chil­dren born per month world­wide. That is twice as many engines as there are chil­dren born per month world­wide. Per­haps one of these many engines is in your machine. As an offi­cial Perkins dis­trib­u­tor, BU Pow­er Sys­tems offers gen­uine Perkins spare parts and indi­vid­ual ser­vices for your engine in addi­tion to the sale of new engines. We are also there for you in case of short-term break­down of your engine: with the Perkins exchange engines.

If the repair of the engine is not eco­nom­i­cal or the func­tion of your Perkins engine needs to be restored on time, the exchange of the engine can be a good alter­na­tive. In order to be able to offer quick solu­tions, we guar­an­tee a per­ma­nent avail­abil­i­ty of more than 200 Perkins exchange engines.

From short or long blocks, long engines for select­ed series, replace­ment and exchange engines to the clas­sic over­haul of your engine, we offer a wide vari­ety of solu­tions. In this way, you can give your machine a sec­ond life­time at short notice and at low cost.

Why use an exchange engine from BU Pow­er Systems?

  • Replace­ment and recon­di­tioned engines for every need
  • Com­pa­ra­ble engine per­for­mance at a frac­tion of the cost of a new engine
  • Opti­mal ser­vice and short deliv­ery times
  • High qual­i­ty through the use of Perkins gen­uine spare parts and bench testing
  • Sim­ple installation
  • Bet­ter man­age­ment of the machine life cycle
  • Reduc­tion of downtime
  • Resource-sav­ing and cost-effective
  • 12 months warranty

You can find more infor­ma­tion about Perkins exchange engines here.