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Did you know that…
13. January 2025

…the first Perkins engines were named after animals?

The P series from 1937, whose 6-cylinder engine was initially named "Panther", was a pioneering development. Today, Perkins offers probably the widest range of engines and has produced more than 22 million engines, which are used in more than 5,000…
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Did you know that…
2. August 2024

…Perkins gen­uine spare parts always come with a holo­gram on their packaging?

In this way, you can recognise that a spare part is an original from Perkins. Perkins genuine spare parts are perfectly tailored to your engine and therefore make a valuable contribution to a long engine life. Engines consist of a…
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Did you know that…
26. March 2024

…the oil in your Perkins engine is fil­tered every 12–15 seconds?

This is about as often as the heartbeat of a blue whale when diving. It ensures that all particles that could damage the engine are filtered out. Filters really are your engine’s first line of defence, protecting parts by keeping…
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Did you know that…
28. November 2023

…a wiring har­ness with an aver­age length of more than 66 metres of cable is installed on Perkins engines?

That’s the same as the wingspan of a Boeing 747. The wiring harness connects all the electrical and electronic components of your engine and as a sensitive nerve strand it forms the basis for a functioning engine. Electrical components such…
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Did you know that…
31. August 2023

…Perkins has already pro­duced 22 mil­lion engines since 1932?

That is twice as many engines as there are children born per month worldwide. That is twice as many engines as there are children born per month worldwide. Perhaps one of these many engines is in your machine. As an…
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Did you know that…
5. July 2023

…Perkins water pumps can pump around 360,000 litres of coolant in 24 hours of operation?

That's the equivalent of 2,378 full bathtubs. In a circuit, the water pump feeds cold water into the engine to cool it down. The water is heated up by the high temperature of the engine and then transported out of…
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Did you know that…
2. March 2023

…Perkins® Ecoplus Fil­ters remove par­ti­cles small­er than four microns?

This is about the size of a single red blood cell, which is five microns in size and cannot be seen with the naked eye. The high-quality fuel filters protect your engine in every operating application and prevent engine damage,…
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Did you know that…
3. November 2022

…Perkins main­tains more than 4.5 mil­lion engine ser­i­al numbers?

That's about as many engine serial numbers as the circumference of the sun measures in kilometres. The serial numbers can be found all over the world and provide information about the year and country of manufacture of an engine, as…
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Did you know that…
14. March 2022

… sus­tain­abil­i­ty is a core val­ue at Perkins?

Sustainable manufacturing is efficient manufacturing - and efficiency is good for profitability. Perkins drives sustainable change through advanced processes and product innovation, and is committed to sustainable manufacturing processes that minimise both energy consumption and waste production. The latest Perkins…
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Did you know that…
8. February 2022

… all Perkins starter motors are designed and test­ed for longevity?

It is guaranteed, that they will start around 36,000 times, the equivalent of approximately ten times a day for almost 10 years. Genuine Perkins components are synonymous with strong performance, outstanding quality and high reliability. As our customer, you benefit…
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