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Did you know that…

… Perkins high pres­sure fuel sys­tems oper­ate at 29,000 psi?

By 4. December 2019 No Comments

That’s approx­i­mate­ly 800 x high­er than a car tyre pressure.

The injec­tion sys­tem of the Perkins engine is essen­tial for the per­for­mance, fuel con­sump­tion and emis­sion val­ues of the engine. In par­tic­u­lar, the emis­sion val­ues ​​of cur­rent and future emis­sion stan­dards are in focus. The fuel injec­tion pumps are very com­plex tech­ni­cal com­po­nents. Each pump is pre­cise­ly cal­i­brat­ed to ensure that exact­ly the right amount of fuel is deliv­ered through the injec­tion valve into the com­bus­tion cham­ber for max­i­mum per­for­mance and opti­mum fuel effi­cien­cy. Perkins Com­mon Rail Injec­tion pro­duces pres­sures of approx­i­mate­ly 29,000 psi. All com­po­nents of the Perkins injec­tion sys­tem are man­u­fac­tured to the lat­est state of the art and are sub­ject to the high­est qual­i­ty standards.

Perkins gen­uine fuel filter

Perkins engines are equipped with a high-per­for­mance fuel injec­tion sys­tem and there­fore require high-qual­i­ty fuel (DIN EN 590). To pro­tect the injec­tion sys­tems, all engines are equipped with first-class orig­i­nal Perkins fuel fil­ters or fuel pre-fil­ters. These Perkins fuel fil­ters are designed to fil­ter dirt par­ti­cles and water from the fuel for the engine to work prop­er­ly. Con­t­a­m­i­na­tion in the fuel can lead to loss of per­for­mance, exces­sive smoke, high­er emis­sion val­ues or, in the worst case, expen­sive dam­age to the fuel pump and injec­tors. Perkins orig­i­nal fuel fil­ters are designed to meet the exact require­ments, ensur­ing the high­est qual­i­ty. Perkins orig­i­nal fuel fil­ters pro­vide high­ly effi­cient par­ti­cle and water sep­a­ra­tion through­out the fuel sys­tem, pro­tect­ing against exces­sive wear and reduc­ing the risk of injec­tor failure.

Perkins injec­tors

Perkins injec­tors are high­ly com­plex com­po­nents in the fuel sys­tem. Under high pres­sure (approx. 29000 psi), the injec­tors inject the exact amount of fuel into the com­bus­tion cham­ber at the exact time and thus ensure opti­mum com­bus­tion of the fuel and com­pli­ance with the emis­sion val­ues. Since the extreme­ly fine holes can clog quick­ly, for exam­ple due to poor­ly fil­tered fuel, this can lead to block­ages and thus to per­ma­nent failures.

Is your injec­tion sys­tem damaged?

A defect always rais­es the ques­tion whether a repair is pos­si­ble. BU Pow­er Sys­tems offers you a com­pre­hen­sive ser­vice port­fo­lio in the event of a defect in the injec­tion pump.

You can choose from the fol­low­ing three alternatives:

  • we sup­ply you with the orig­i­nal Perkins new part
  • we sup­ply you with a Perkins replace­ment part
  • we offer you a repair of the defec­tive injec­tion pump.

The repair of your injec­tion pump can also be a viable and cost-effec­tive alter­na­tive to new parts. You send us your defec­tive old part and we will pro­vide you with a cost esti­mate on the basis of which we will coor­di­nate the repair of your injec­tion pump with you. After the dam­age assess­ment you decide about the fur­ther procedure.

Depend­ing on the tech­ni­cal neces­si­ty and eco­nom­ic effi­cien­cy, we also rec­om­mend the use of Perkins replace­ment parts. Perkins replace­ment parts are reman­u­fac­tured Perkins prod­ucts that under­go a stan­dard­ized reman­u­fac­tur­ing process. The result is a prod­uct of the same high qual­i­ty as any oth­er orig­i­nal Perkins spare parts. The war­ran­ty peri­od is 12 months. You can order the replace­ment prod­ucts from us in OEM qual­i­ty and with short deliv­ery times.

You are inter­est­ed in Perkins injec­tion sys­tems or our exten­sive over­haul port­fo­lio? We will be hap­py to advise you.