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BU Power Systems News

Agritech­ni­ca 2019 – new engines

By 20. November 2019 No Comments

Agritech­ni­ca 2019 – new trac­tor engines for the agri­cul­tur­al mar­ket and inno­v­a­tive hybrid technologies.

Agritech­ni­ca – the world´s lead­ing trade fair for agri­cul­tur­al tech­nol­o­gy has closed its doors. With 450,000 vis­i­tors from 152 coun­tries and 2,820 exhibitors from 53 coun­tries Agritech­ni­ca 2019 was a great success.

Also, for BU Pow­er Sys­tems and Perkins Agritech­ni­ca 2019 was a suc­cess­ful and exit­ing show.

In Hall 16, at its engine stand D28 Perkins has shown besides its EU Stage V pow­er solu­tions which are used to pow­er every type of agri­cul­tur­al machine, its new Perkins® Syn­cro trac­tor engine range. The Perkins® Syn­cro 2.2 trac­tor engine that gives 55 kW (74 hp) and 270 Nm of torque and the Perkins® Syn­cro 3.6 trac­tor engine that deliv­ers 100 kW (134 hp) and up to 530 Nm of torque have been specif­i­cal­ly engi­neered to pro­vide reli­able pow­er for mid-range trac­tors. Fur­ther­more, Perkins pre­sent­ed three inno­v­a­tive hybrid tech­nolo­gies. These tech­nolo­gies enable the hybrid recov­ery and stor­age to take place with­in the engine sys­tem, ensur­ing orig­i­nal equip­ment man­u­fac­tur­ers (OEMs) ben­e­fit from a solu­tion that is sim­ple to inte­grate. The shown tech­nolo­gies at 75 kW – using a 55 kW diesel engine and a 20 kW pow­er boost from the hybrid tech­nol­o­gy are:

Hybrid-elec­tric: This incor­po­rates an elec­tric machine and bat­tery with­in the engine sys­tem. As the machine brakes, the elec­tric sys­tem can recov­er the ener­gy and store it with­in the bat­tery. When required, the bat­tery can then sup­ply ener­gy back into the engine via a motor to pro­vide addi­tion­al power.

Hybrid-mechan­i­cal: As the machine brakes, the sys­tem mechan­i­cal­ly stores the ener­gy. When required, the sys­tem can then sup­ply ener­gy back into the engine via a clutch mech­a­nism to pro­vide addi­tion­al power.

Hybrid-hydraulic: This incor­po­rates a hydraulic pump and pres­sure accu­mu­la­tor with­in the engine sys­tem. As the machine brakes, this pump can recov­er the ener­gy and store it with­in the accu­mu­la­tor. When required, the accu­mu­la­tor can then sup­ply ener­gy back into the engine via the pump to pro­vide addi­tion­al power.

In hall 18, at the after­mar­ket stand D18 Perkins pre­sent­ed its com­pre­hen­sive range of over­haul solu­tions for agri­cul­tur­al engines, all of which are designed to deliv­er max­i­mum per­for­mance from the engine and machine and reduce the risk of dis­rup­tive downtime.