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Did you know that…

…the oil in your Perkins engine is fil­tered every 12–15 seconds?

By 26. March 2024 No Comments

This is about as often as the heart­beat of a blue whale when div­ing. It ensures that all par­ti­cles that could dam­age the engine are fil­tered out.

Fil­ters real­ly are your engine’s first line of defence, pro­tect­ing parts by keep­ing out unwant­ed debris. Any mate­r­i­al not caught by a fil­ter can poten­tial­ly dam­age the engine and com­pro­mise its effi­cien­cy. High-qual­i­ty fil­ters there­fore have a major impact on the effi­cien­cy of your engine.

Oil fil­ter, fuel fil­ter and air fil­ter from Perkins

Thanks to many years of expe­ri­ence and devel­op­ment, Perkins offers fil­ters that are specif­i­cal­ly designed for your engine and pro­vide the high­est fil­tra­tion per­for­mance. Using Perkins gen­uine fil­ters you can be sure that your engine is pro­tect­ed as opti­mal­ly as possible.

Find out more here.