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BU Power Systems News

Perkins® Syn­cro — The new, com­pact engine platform

Based on an exten­sive mar­ket sur­vey and sur­vey of glob­al tar­get cus­tomers in the field of mobile machin­ery man­u­fac­tur­ers, Perkins has made the deci­sion to devel­op a new engine plat­form in the pow­er range 45 kW to 100 kW.

The result of one of the biggest invest­ments in Perkins his­to­ry is the Perkins® Syn­cro range, first unveiled at BAUMA 2016.

The name Syn­cro orig­i­nat­ed from the goal of “syn­chro­niz­ing” the devel­op­ment of a new indus­tri­al engine plat­form with the expec­ta­tions of the OEM, thus meet­ing the expec­ta­tions of a new engine generation.

Key fea­tures of the new engine fam­i­ly are:

  • 4‑cylinder engine fam­i­ly with 2.8 liters and 3.6 liters, in the pow­er range 45 kW to 100 kW.
  • Mod­ern engine con­cept with com­mon-rail injec­tion sys­tem to meet glob­al emis­sion stan­dards; includ­ing EU Lev­el 5 and U.S EPA Tier 4.
  • Devel­oped due to OEM require­ments — in more than 80 dif­fer­ent machine instal­la­tion sit­u­a­tions (2.8 liters and 3.6 liters).
  • Designed to meet our cus­tomers’ world­wide per­for­mance, val­ue and reli­a­bil­i­ty needs, con­tribut­ing to OEM, open­ing new mar­kets and devel­op­ing exist­ing business.
  • The high-pow­er den­si­ty in com­bi­na­tion with the high torque avail­able even at low engine speeds (up 22% com­pared to the good fig­ures of the pre­vi­ous), OEM opens up the pos­si­bil­i­ty to “down­siz­ing”, towards more com­pact, more pow­er­ful machines with a excel­lent response.
  • The aspired unique sell­ing points of our OEM are also achieved by a sim­ple elec­tron­ic inte­gra­tion. In addi­tion, there are numer­ous options with regard to the add-on com­po­nents and the exhaust aftertreat­ment for adap­ta­tion — even under chal­leng­ing instal­la­tion conditions.
  • The low fuel con­sump­tion com­pared to the mod­ern engine con­cept (3, 6 liters minus 8% com­pared to its pre­de­ces­sor) can be fur­ther opti­mized by a spe­cif­ic adap­ta­tion of the pow­er curve to the main oper­at­ing points of the OEM machine.
  • The 3.6‑liter engine offers machines adapt­ed pow­er curves up to 100 kW and 500 Nm of torque.
  • The 2.8‑liter engine has an inter­cool­er and pro­vides machines with adapt­ed pow­er curves up to 55 kW and 325 Nm of torque.
  • Anoth­er advan­tage for the OEM is the sub­stan­tial equal­i­ty of parts of 90% of the 2.8 liter and 3.6 liter engines, which dif­fer exter­nal­ly only by a small dif­fer­ence in dimen­sions. This cir­cum­stance con­tributes sig­nif­i­cant­ly to the stan­dard­iza­tion of the instal­la­tion sit­u­a­tion and to the reduc­tion in spare parts inventory.