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Did you know that…

… BU Pow­er Sys­tems cur­rent­ly has approx­i­mate­ly 195,000 spare parts in stock?

By 10. July 2019 No Comments

Tak­en togeth­er, these spare parts have a total weight of just under 160,000 kg – rough­ly equiv­a­lent to the weight of 26 African ele­phant bulls, the heav­i­est land mam­mals on earth. All these spare parts are Perkins orig­i­nal spare parts and avail­able for imme­di­ate deliv­ery. Whether you repair your engine your­self or hire the BU team, we offer a full range of orig­i­nal Perkins spare parts. Sophis­ti­cat­ed ware­hous­ing at the loca­tions allows us to serve our cus­tomers with­in 24 hours — through­out Europe.

BU Pow­er Sys­tems offers you the gen­uine qual­i­ty you need to ensure that your engine has a long life and runs opti­mal­ly. Con­tin­u­ous stock and order analy­ses ensure that com­mon spare parts are always avail­able at short notice.

The orig­i­nal Perkins spare parts are shipped from the Perkins cen­tral ware­house in Irlam / Man­ches­ter (Great Britain). The cen­tral ware­house has an area of approx. 18,000 m² with over 130,000 dif­fer­ent spare parts. In addi­tion, BU Pow­er Sys­tems has region­al ware­hous­es and ensures a con­stant avail­abil­i­ty of approx. 32,000 orig­i­nal Perkins spare parts. Cus­tomers can order until 4.30 pm and deliv­ery takes place on the fol­low­ing work­ing day until 12 noon.

In addi­tion to the sin­gle Perkins orig­i­nal spare parts, we also offer spare part kits. These kits also con­sist exclu­sive­ly of orig­i­nal Perkins spare parts. All rel­e­vant spare parts are avail­able in one deliv­ery. BU Pow­er Sys­tems can also cre­ate and store indi­vid­ual, cus­tomer-spe­cif­ic spare part kits. In this way we sup­port you to increase your range of ser­vices and at the same time min­i­mize your own spare parts stock — as well as your costs.

In the fol­low­ing you will find all the ben­e­fits of Perkins orig­i­nal spare parts at a glance:
  • Orig­i­nal parts are pro­duced and sup­plied by the same sup­pli­er and from the same man­u­fac­tur­ing process as the parts installed in the engine pro­duc­tion line.
  • All orig­i­nal part man­u­fac­tur­ers are approved through the Perkins qual­i­ty process, where the man­u­fac­tur­er deliv­ers the part using Perkins’ own tools, which can only be used for orig­i­nal parts, after the orig­i­nal print.
  • This ensures that each part is man­u­fac­tured to the cor­rect dimen­sions and mate­r­i­al spec­i­fi­ca­tions and func­tions as designed in the engine.
  • This allows your engine to ben­e­fit from long run­ning times and avoids con­se­quen­tial faults.
  • Perkins orig­i­nal spare parts are sub­ject to a manufacturer’s warranty.
 Risks if you do not use orig­i­nal Perkins spare parts:
  • The biggest risk with non-orig­i­nal com­po­nents is that the man­u­fac­tur­er does not have access to the orig­i­nal print and there­fore must reverse engi­neer the part.
  • Spe­cif­ic design tol­er­ances and spe­cial design fea­tures can­not be tak­en into account — they are based on thou­sands of hours of expe­ri­ence oper­at­ing pro­to­type engines dur­ing validation.
  • In addi­tion, non-gen­uine com­po­nents are man­u­fac­tured in much small­er quan­ti­ties, so the man­u­fac­tur­ing process is like­ly to be less robust­ly con­trolled, which can affect the qual­i­ty of the components.
  • Non-orig­i­nal parts ven­dors do not have access to the orig­i­nal assem­bly data for your spe­cif­ic engine, so there is a risk that they may not be able to sup­ply all the right parts you need to ful­fill the order.
  • Installing non-orig­i­nal com­po­nents can result in the engine not run­ning as desired, result­ing in appli­ca­tion down­time and cost­ly repairs.

You are inter­est­ed in our cus­tomized Perkins spare part kits? We will be hap­py to advise you.

Perkins tests its engines and parts in extreme envi­ron­ments, e.g. at high alti­tudes, high and low tem­per­a­tures and even tilt­ed to 45 degrees. Learn more…

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