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BU Power Systems News

Inno­va­tion meets tra­di­tion: Perkins’ 85th anniversary

By 10. September 2017 No Comments

Fran­cis Arthur — named Frank — Perkins was a third-gen­er­a­tion engi­neer. He orig­i­nal­ly worked with Charles Chap­man for Avel­ing & Porter in Rochester on the devel­op­ment of a high-speed light­weight diesel engine. How­ev­er, before com­plet­ing the project, the com­pa­ny went bank­rupt. Perkins and Chap­man were con­vinced that the new engine would be prof­itable for the agri­cul­tur­al trac­tor mar­ket, and on June 7, 1932, they ini­tial­ly set up their own com­pa­ny, F. Perkins Lim­it­ed, in a rent­ed work­shop with only four employ­ees. Chap­man was the tech­ni­cal direc­tor and Perkins the chair­man. What began 85 years ago in the rent­ed work­shop is today, as part of Cater­pil­lar, a glob­al cor­po­ra­tion and lead­ing sup­pli­er of diesel and gas engines. At sites in the Unit­ed King­dom, the Unit­ed States, Brazil, India and Chi­na, Perkins has since pro­duced over 20 mil­lion engines and now has over 4,500 employ­ees world­wide and more than 3,500 ser­vice loca­tions. The name Perkins stands for engi­neer­ing excel­lence at a glob­al lev­el and offers a com­pre­hen­sive range of inno­v­a­tive and reli­able engine solu­tions, which are indi­vid­u­al­ly tai­lored to the exact require­ments of each cus­tomer. The strongest mar­ket — with one third of the pro­duc­tion vol­ume — remains West­ern Europe. Here Perkins sup­plies more OEMs than any competitor.

On the occa­sion of the 85th anniver­sary of the Perkins brand, the com­pa­ny invit­ed select­ed guests to a spe­cial event. In this con­text, the wide range of Stage V capa­ble Perkins engines were intro­duced. From 8.8 kW up to 470 kW, Perkins offers engines that com­ply with the EU Stage V direc­tive. From the small 400 series engine, to the new, com­pact Perkins® Syn­cro engine, to the larg­er 1200, 1700 and 2000 series engines, the Stage V prod­uct port­fo­lio is a com­plete prod­uct range that can ful­ly meet cus­tomer needs. To ensure the high­est lev­el of prod­uct qual­i­ty, all Perkins prod­ucts — engines and spare parts — go through exten­sive test­ing and qual­i­ty con­trol. Com­plex endurance tests are per­formed in the R & D depart­ment to ensure com­pli­ance with exhaust emis­sions, com­po­nent per­for­mance and per­for­mance even under extreme con­di­tions, such as oper­a­tion in the world’s most extreme cli­mates, or extreme incli­na­tion angles in all directions.

At the same time, Perkins prod­ucts under­go a steady improve­ment process. The lat­est inno­va­tion from Perkins is the Perkins® Smart­Cap — a “smart” oil cap that can be eas­i­ly attached to new and exist­ing Perkins engines by sim­ply screw­ing it on. The Perkins® Smart­Cap is a low-cost con­nec­tiv­i­ty solu­tion that allows end users to con­nect their mobile device to their motor via the free Perkins® My Engine app on their smart­phone. The Cap mon­i­tors the Perkins engine and sends data direct­ly to the Perkins® My Engine app. In com­bi­na­tion with the Perkins® My Engine app, the Perkins® Smart­Cap pro­vides use­ful infor­ma­tion such as: run­ning hours, start / stop data, build list, series, type, mod­el, Perkins Plat­inum Pro­tec­tion Indi­ca­tor, parts book, OMM, con­sum­ables List, main­te­nance inter­vals and a com­plet­ed ser­vice log.

“The cost-effec­tive Perkins® Smart­Cap in con­junc­tion with the Perkins® My Engine app will enable Perkins cus­tomers to eas­i­ly track their engine and main­te­nance require­ments, find their local Perkins deal­er, see part infor­ma­tion and receive ser­vice updates — and that from a loca­tion, “said Michael Wright, gen­er­al man­ag­er after­mar­ket at Perkins.

The patent appli­ca­tion for the Perkins® Smart­Cap is run­ning. With a price around 50 euros and no fur­ther fol­low-up costs, the Perkins® Smart­Cap is cur­rent­ly the most cost-effec­tive con­nec­tiv­i­ty solu­tion on the mar­ket. The free app can be down­loaded in the Apple and Google shops.

All new prod­ucts will be pre­sent­ed at Agritech­ni­ca. Vis­it Perkins and the Ger­man dis­trib­u­tor BU Pow­er Sys­tems in Hall 16, Stand D 41.