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BU Power Systems News

Col­lab­o­ra­tion Pow­er: BU Pow­er Sys­tems and Geot­ec Bohrtech­nik GmbH

By 17. August 2023 No Comments

Geot­ec Bohrtech­nik GmbH has been devel­op­ing and build­ing high-qual­i­ty ver­ti­cal drilling rigs for over 25 years. These are pri­mar­i­ly used for near-sur­face geot­her­mal ener­gy extrac­tion, geot­ech­ni­cal engi­neer­ing, old min­ing and well con­struc­tion, but are also ide­al­ly suit­ed for dry drilling with cas­ing, cable per­cus­sion drilling with cas­ing, suc­tion drilling and core drilling, as well as drilling with end­less or hol­low stem augers. When it comes to ease of use, func­tion­al­i­ty, speed and com­pact design, Rotomax drilling rigs are unique and mar­ket lead­ers in cru­cial areas. Thanks to very close cus­tomer con­tact, prac­ti­cal rel­e­vance and inno­v­a­tive 3D-CAD design, Geot­ec, with its own pro­duc­tion facil­i­ties, is in a posi­tion to pro­duce excel­lent series machines that stand for eco­nom­ic success.

For years, Geot­ec has count­ed on the reli­a­bil­i­ty of Perkins engines to equip its Rotomax drilling rigs. Par­tic­u­lar­ly the engines of the 1200 series fit the appli­ca­tions of the Rotomax drilling rigs. Due to their excep­tion­al­ly com­pact and flex­i­ble design, Perkins 1200 Series engines can be found in more than 800 dif­fer­ent machine mod­els. Appli­ca­tion exam­ples at Geot­ec demon­strate the flex­i­bil­i­ty and robust­ness of this engine series.

For exam­ple, Geot­ec’s Rotomax XL‑B is equipped with a Perkins® 1204J-E44TTA. The engine has an out­put of 140 kW and 825 Nm and com­plies with EU Stage V. An appli­ca­tion exam­ple for the equip­ment is a geot­ech­ni­cal explo­ration drilling, which was car­ried out for the con­struc­tion of the feed­er tun­nel from Munich to the Bren­ner near Kuf­stein in Tyrol. The drilling point was at 890 m above sea lev­el and pret­ty much on the bor­der between Aus­tria and Ger­many. The exca­va­tion area was 160 m below ground lev­el. The equip­ment had to be par­tic­u­lar­ly durable for this oper­a­tion, as the drilling was car­ried out in two shifts, 24 hours con­tin­u­ous­ly over a peri­od of 6 weeks at dif­fer­ent drilling points.

The prod­ucts of the Rotomax series are also used for geot­her­mal drilling. For exam­ple, the Rotomax XL-GT was used for the geot­her­mal drilling of a hous­ing estate with sev­er­al solar plants in Wales. Here, the Rotomax XL-GT was also pow­ered by a Perkins® 1204J-E44TTA. The 1204 engine — the 4‑cylinder option of the 1200 series — offers a com­plete dri­ve solu­tion that meets the lat­est emis­sion stan­dards and impress­es with its par­tic­u­lar­ly robust technology.

Of course, Geot­ec Rotomax drilling rigs are used espe­cial­ly in well con­struc­tion. This was also the case in the con­struc­tion of a ser­vice water well for a horse stud farm in Wales. Here, a Rotomax XL-GT Ci with dou­ble-head drilling rig was used. The machine is equipped with a 6‑cylinder diesel engine that dri­ves the drilling rig to an out­put of up to 205 kW and 1257 Nm. The con­tain­er has a mag­a­zine; ful­ly loaded the Rotomax XL-GTCi weighs up to 18 t, runs on rub­ber tracks and can be trans­port­ed by tan­dem trail­er. The reli­able drilling rig is equipped with a Perkins® 1206J-E70TTA. This is an EU emis­sion lev­el V engine.

“For our drilling equip­ment, we need con­sis­tent­ly reli­able, robust and pow­er­ful engines, with as lit­tle main­te­nance as pos­si­ble. In this respect, we are very sat­is­fied with the per­for­mance of the Perkins® 1200 series. In addi­tion, we ben­e­fit from good advice – no mat­ter whether it’s about choos­ing the right engine for our drilling equip­ment, to ser­vice and spare parts avail­abil­i­ty – our Perkins dis­trib­u­tor, BU Pow­er Sys­tems, sup­ports us reli­ably and com­pe­tent­ly at all times,” says Nor­bert Zumholz, man­ag­ing direc­tor of Geot­ec Bohrtechnik.