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BU Power Systems News

BU Ser­vice — reli­able, quick and competent

By 10. November 2023 No Comments

Almost like James Bond. Not in the ser­vice of Her Majesty, but for our cus­tomer Ghel­ma AG Baube­triebe the tech­ni­cians from BU Pow­er Sys­tems were now in action on the Schilthorn in the Bernese Alps at 2,970 m above sea lev­el. At this unusu­al loca­tion, we were called to a ser­vice job on a Perkins 1204E-E44TTA. The Schilthorn became famous, among oth­er things, through the 1969 James Bond film “On Her Majesty’s Secret Ser­vice”. The revolv­ing restau­rant on the sum­mit, which rotates once around its own axis in 45 min­utes, owes its cur­rent name “Piz Glo­ria” to the film production.

Whether at our cus­tomers’ site, in the field or in our work­shop — BU Ser­vice will help you quick­ly and com­pe­tent­ly at any time. As a spe­cial­ist for Perkins engines, we have all the nec­es­sary spare parts, doc­u­men­ta­tion, tools and test bench­es. Both our ser­vice tech­ni­cians and our work­shop per­son­nel are trained on an ongo­ing basis at our inter­na­tion­al Perkins cer­ti­fied train­ing cen­tre. This ensures that a fault analy­sis and the sub­se­quent repair of your engine are car­ried out quick­ly and com­pe­tent­ly at your site or in our workshop.