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BU Power Systems News

Col­lab­o­ra­tion Pow­er: BU Pow­er Sys­tems and Back­ers Maschinenbau

By 3. March 2023 No Comments

Since 1989, Back­ers has con­tin­u­ous­ly set mile­stones in starscreen tech­nol­o­gy. The com­pa­ny’s goal is to pro­vide cus­tomers with an effec­tive and eco­nom­i­cal solu­tion for screen­ing min­er­al and organ­ic mate­ri­als as well as mix­tures of mate­ri­als. After all, with­out sep­a­ra­tion, many mate­ri­als that occur as a main prod­uct, by-prod­uct or waste can­not be fur­ther processed.

The screen­ing process starts on the star screen, with the screen stars all rotat­ing in one direc­tion and loos­en­ing up the mate­r­i­al. The fine screened mate­r­i­al falls between the stars onto a col­lect­ing belt. This then con­veys the screened mate­r­i­al on a fine-grain belt to the dis­charge point.

“When build­ing starscreen machines with two frac­tions, we rely on Perkins engines, among oth­ers. Star screen machines with two frac­tions can screen out the over­size and the fines from the input mate­r­i­al. In addi­tion, Back­ers’ 2‑fraction starscreen machines can be equipped with a grid for pre-sep­a­ra­tion of very coarse mate­r­i­al frac­tions,” explains Chris­t­ian Back­ers, man­ag­ing direc­tor of Back­ers. “We were par­tic­u­lar­ly con­vinced by the com­pact design of the Perkins 904 and 1204 engines. In addi­tion, the engines are robust and well suit­ed for off-road use.”

Back­ers’ 2‑hta starscreen machine is a hook-lift and at the same time track-mobile starscreen solu­tion. With Griz­zlyscreen, even heavy parts can be fed. The machine pro­vides max­i­mum flex­i­bil­i­ty for small­er oper­a­tions. It has two screen­ing frac­tions and a max­i­mum through­put of 120 cbm/h (with 16 mm screen­ing). The 2‑hta starscreen weighs up to 11,000 kg, depend­ing on the equip­ment. It is pow­ered by an EU emis­sion lev­el V‑compliant Perkins® 904J-E36TA (IOPU) engine with an out­put of 74.5 kW. The screen­ing area of 5.4 sqm enables a sep­a­ra­tion cut from 6/8 mm to 80 mm. This makes the 2‑hta starscreen machine par­tic­u­lar­ly suit­able for screen­ing waste, waste wood (pre-shred­ded), ash, rail­way bal­last, mixed con­struc­tion waste, build­ing rub­ble, bio­mass, soil, soil with stone mix­ture, sub­sti­tute fuel, soil, fluff, riv­er grav­el, fresh wood, shred­ded tyres, rock, indus­tri­al waste, track bal­last, wood chips, blast fur­nace residues, grav­el or crushed stone, coal, com­post, clay soil, pipeline con­struc­tion, refuse, top­soil, renew­able raw mate­ri­als, recy­cled mate­r­i­al, bark, slag, peat, root­stocks and root wood.

The Back­ers 2‑ta starscreen machine is a larg­er screen­ing machine solu­tion that can be used track-mount­ed on con­struc­tion sites and in dif­fi­cult ter­rain. The 2‑ta starscreen machine can be manoeu­vred on site by radio remote con­trol, has a max­i­mum through­put of 200 cbm/h (with 28 mm screen­ing) and weighs 18,000 kg. The 2‑ta starscreen machine is dri­ven by a Perkins® 1204J-E44TTA (IOPU) with an out­put of 140kW. The engine com­plies with EU emis­sion lev­el V. The 2‑ta starscreen machine is there­fore par­tic­u­lar­ly suit­able for work on dif­fi­cult ter­rain and for use in road con­struc­tion, civ­il engi­neer­ing, struc­tur­al engi­neer­ing, pipeline con­struc­tion, dyke con­struc­tion and pipeline con­struc­tion. The screen­ing area of more than 8 square metres enables a sep­a­ra­tion cut from 6/8 mm to 80 mm. The 2‑ta starscreen machine is also versatile.