Perkins gen­uine spare parts For a long engine life.

Perkins engines are designed to last a long time. Using Perkins gen­uine spare parts will ensure that your engine achieves this long life­time. As an exclu­sive Perkins dis­trib­u­tor, we offer spare parts such as fil­ters, seals and engine oil that are pre­cise­ly adapt­ed to your engine — whether you car­ry out the work on your engine your­self or whether you com­mis­sion the BU Pow­er Sys­tems team.

The use of non-gen­uine spare parts involves var­i­ous risks that must be tak­en into account:

  • Repli­cas may not match the orig­i­nal parts 100 %. The require­ments for our spare parts are deter­mined in thou­sands of oper­at­ing hours on our pro­to­type engines before they are launched on the mar­ket, to ensure that you are on the safe side later.
  • Deal­ers that sell non-orig­i­nal parts have no access to the orig­i­nal com­po­nent data for your spe­cif­ic engine. There is there­fore a risk that orders will be deliv­ered not only incom­plete but also with the wrong parts.
  • Repli­cas may not meet qual­i­ty stan­dards and are less robust. For exam­ple, Perkins® Ecoplus fil­ters have been proven to last 45 % longer than con­ven­tion­al filters.
  • The assem­bly of non-orig­i­nal Perkins spare parts may affect the engine’s cor­rect func­tion­ing, which may cause down­times and expen­sive repairs.

Our gen­uine Perkins spare parts are per­fect­ly adapt­ed to the needs of your engine and there­fore ensure the longevi­ty of your engine. Our stock and order analy­ses ensure that com­mon spare parts are always avail­able com­pre­hen­sive­ly and at short notice.

The BU Pow­er Sys­tems spare parts port­fo­lio includes all parts for your engine, from main­te­nance parts and engine-spe­cif­ic main­te­nance kits to engine over­haul kits (e.g. pis­tons, rings, bush­es, bear­ings, gas­kets), elec­tric com­po­nents (e.g. alter­na­tors, glow plugs, switch­es) and engine oil (Perkins Diesel Engine Oil). This allows us to help you enhance your range of ser­vices and at the same time opti­mise your spare parts ware­house – as well as min­imise your costs.