Perkins Gen­uine Fil­ters Fil­ter­ing out prob­lems before they happen.

Fil­ters real­ly are your engine’s first line of defence, pro­tect­ing parts by keep­ing out unwant­ed debris. Any mate­r­i­al not caught by a fil­ter can poten­tial­ly dam­age the engine and com­pro­mise its effi­cien­cy. High-qual­i­ty fil­ters there­fore have a major impact on the effi­cien­cy of your engine.

Thanks to many years of expe­ri­ence and devel­op­ment, Perkins offers fil­ters that are specif­i­cal­ly designed for your engine and pro­vide the high­est fil­tra­tion per­for­mance. Using Perkins gen­uine fil­ters you can be sure that your engine is pro­tect­ed as opti­mal­ly as possible.

Oil fil­ters

State-of-the-art tech­nol­o­gy, the use of the high­est qual­i­ty mate­ri­als, non-return and pres­sure relief valves, seal­ing rings, adhe­sives and fil­ter media guar­an­tee an opti­mum oil flow and pro­tect your engine against low oil in every oper­at­ing appli­ca­tion and thus pre­vent wear or engine damage.

Fuel fil­ters

Only the high­est qual­i­ty mate­ri­als are used in the pro­duc­tion of Perkins gen­uine fuel fil­ters and thus pro­tect, for exam­ple, the high-pres­sure injec­tion sys­tem from dam­age caused by dirt par­ti­cles in com-mon-rail fuel systems.

Air fil­ters

A gen­uine Perkins air fil­ter stops 99,99% of par­ti­cles, pre­vent­ing dam­age to valves, rings and tur­bocharg­ers while also max­imis­ing the free airflow.

New: Perkins® Ecoplus-Filters

The Perkins® Ecoplus oil fil­ter has been fit­ted on the new EU Stage V Perkins® Syn­cro 3.6 and 2.8 litre engines. New Perkins® Ecoplus oil fil­ters enable a quick and clean change. An imme­di­ate ben­e­fit for cus­tomers is the clean change that’s now pos­si­ble, thanks to a mod­i­fi­ca­tion to the angle of the fil­ter. The new fil­ter is upright which makes it eas­i­er to access and as soon as the cap is opened the oil auto­mat­i­cal­ly drains back into the block.

Your ben­e­fits using Perkins orig­i­nal filters

  • Fil­ter per­for­mance of dirt par­ti­cles of only 2 microns = 0.002 mm
  • Effi­cien­cy of up to 98.7%
  • Perkins fil­ters achieve the best results in com­par­i­son tests of fil­ter capac­i­ty regard­ing oil, diesel and air filters
  • Active sup­port of envi­ron­men­tal protection
  • Low main­te­nance and oper­at­ing costs

As your exclu­sive Perkins dis­trib­u­tor, BU Pow­er Sys­tems offers orig­i­nal qual­i­ty at rea­son­able prices.
If you have any ques­tions, you can reach us via +49 5451 5040 0.