Perkins Plat­inum Pro­tec­tion The extend­ed cov­er for your Perkins engine

Perkins Plat­inum Pro­tec­tion is the most effec­tive pro­tec­tion for Perkins engines and pro­tects you from unex­pect­ed repair bills at a low cost. With this com­pre­hen­sive cov­er, all Perkins engine com­po­nents are insured against all dam­ages (with the excep­tion of wear and main­te­nance parts). In the event of dam­age, high­ly qual­i­fied ser­vice tech­ni­cians trained by Perkins guar­an­tee reli­able and com­pe­tent service.

Your ben­e­fits at a glance:

  • All-round pro­tec­tion against unex­pect­ed repair costs
  • Flex­i­ble terms of up to 10 years or accord­ing to defined oper­at­ing hours
  • Unbeat­able val­ue for mon­ey — with­out excess
  • Trav­el and labour costs covered
  • Opti­mi­sa­tion of cash flow
  • Free replace­ment of defec­tive parts
  • All repairs are car­ried out by an autho­rised Perkins deal­er and spe­cial­ly trained technicians
  • Exclu­sive use of Perkins gen­uine spare parts for con­sis­tent­ly reli­able engine performance
  • Trans­fer­able world­wide — in case you sell your machine


  • The engine must be with­in the war­ran­ty period
  • Prop­er oper­a­tion and envi­ron­men­tal para­me­ters of the Perkins engine
  • Com­pli­ance with the main­te­nance sched­ules accord­ing to the Perkins war­ran­ty manual
  • The engine dri­ves an indus­tri­al, stand­by, pri­ma­ry or nat­ur­al gas application
  • Cor­rect infor­ma­tion regard­ing oper­at­ing envi­ron­ment, ini­tial start-up, etc.

How do you get this pro­tec­tion for your Perkins engine?

You can apply for Perkins Plat­inum Pro­tec­tion from BU Pow­er Sys­tems, your exclu­sive Perkins dis­trib­u­tor, before the stan­dard war­ran­ty peri­od expires. The price of Perkins Plat­inum Pro­tec­tion depends on the engine type, the appli­ca­tion and the run­ning time or oper­at­ing hours. We will be hap­py to pro­vide you with a cus­tomised offer includ­ing the detailed terms and con­di­tions of Perkins Plat­inum Pro­tec­tion. You can reach us by e‑mail to [email protected]