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BU Power Systems News

Engine of the hour – Perkins® 904 Series

By 13. December 2021 No Comments

Perkins® 904 Series 2.8 litre and 3.6 litre options are built to bring your busi­ness suc­cess. The engines have been designed to fit in more than 80 machine mod­els. This pro­vides the most com­pact engine pack­age pos­si­ble, sav­ing OEMs sig­nif­i­cant time and cost in research and devel­op­ment for your next machine design.

The engine offers OEMs the flex­i­bil­i­ty to meet dif­fer­ent emis­sions stan­dards – includ­ing Stage V, whilst main­tain­ing a com­mon machine design. They will be able to access mul­ti­ple ter­ri­to­ries with­out design­ing com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent engine instal­la­tions, thus sav­ing them time and money.

The 4 cylin­der 2.8 litre 904J-E28TA pro­vides a max­i­mum of 55 kW (74 hp) with torque of up to 380 Nm. The 3.6 litre 904J-E36TA option deliv­ers 100 kW (134 hp) and up to 550 Nm of torque.

The high pow­er and torque den­si­ty will give OEMs who are look­ing to move to small­er, more com­pact engines, and the great fuel con­sump­tion, fast response and elec­tron­ic inte­gra­tion to dif­fer­en­ti­ate their machines.

A suc­cess­ful exam­ple for the use of the Perkins 904J-E28TA engine is the REFORM Metrac H75 pro. The REFORM Metrac is a tool car­ri­er for munic­i­pal ser­vices and agri­cul­ture that has been designed for extreme slopes and dif­fi­cult ter­rain. It stands out thanks to cut­ting edge tech­nol­o­gy and max­i­mum effi­cien­cy. With­in the pres­ti­gious “Trac­tor of the Year” awards pre­sent­ed at this year’s “EIMA Inter­na­tion­al” agri­cul­tur­al trade fair in Bologna, the REFORM Metrac H75 was the win­ner in the cat­e­go­ry “Best of Specialised”.